PRESENTATIONS: Firefighter Air Replenishment System (FARS) case study, Colorado Springs Wildfire Mitigation Program, and State Wildfire Resiliency Board Updates
We will hear a case study on a Fire Fighter Air Replenishment System (FARS) recently installed at the Polaris Hotel in Colorado Springs with guidance from IFC Appendix L. We will also welcome a presentation on the Colorado Springs wildfire mitigation program and an update on the Colorado State Wildfire Resiliency Code Board as we all prepare to implement upcoming new State laws and rules related to construction and mitigation in the wildland urban interface.
Speaker: Kris Cooper (Deputy Fire Marshal - Colorado Springs Fire Department)
Location: 370 Printers Parkway, Colorado Springs ("FDC West" building). Note: This is directly across the street from fire department headquarters. There is limited parking, so attendees can park at the fire department headquarters at 375 Printers Parkway and walk across the street.
Business Meeting to follow the presentation. Please register for the business meeting separately from our Events page.
FIRE MARSHAL'S ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO To Promote and Support Fire and Life Safety through Education, Legislation, and Code Development.