You are invited to register for a 16-hour class on Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) and PyroSim presented by Thunderhead Engineering. This class will be offered virtually using the Zoom platform.
The class will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9am-11am MST starting Tuesday August 4, 2020 and ending Tuesday September 1, 2020. Each session will be recorded in case you miss part or all of a session. A test will be given at the end of the session to received tested training hours.
You will need to download and install a version of PyroSim prior to the first day of class. An email with instructions and a license key to access Pyrosim will be provided prior to class via email to all registrants. Once you receive that email, click HERE to download Pyrosim.
Contact Scott Plumer, Arvada Fire Protection District, with any questions:
Topics that will be covered over the duration of the course:
PyroSim Overview and Recent Updates
FDS Overview and Recent Updates
Geometry Creation, Editing and Organization Tools
FDS, CAD and IFC (BIM) Files, Import and Conversion to FDS Geometry
Assigning FDS Surfaces to Imported Materials
Using FDS V&V Input Files as Working Examples
Preview FDS Obstructions in PyroSim and Thickening Options
Copy/Move, Rotation and Mirror Tools, Flexible use of Slabs
Measuring Radiative Flux to Targets and Flux Contours
Required Settings in PyroSim for FED Calculations in Pathfinder
Fuel Gas Dispersion and Ignition from Heat Source
Understanding Time-Step Size and Wall Clock Time
FDS Controls with PyroSim Geometry
Checking for Leaks, Opening the Domain and Blocking Gas Cells
HVAC, Ambient Connections within the Domain and Louvered Vents
Gas Phase Reactions and Solid Phase Pyrolysis
Sprinkler Settings and Reduction of Simulation Time
Setting up WIND in the Domain, Blocking out Wind from Interior Volumes.
Parallel Processing Options and Cluster Configuration
3D Data Visualization and Best Practices
Configuring the Results UI and Timeline
Views, Tours and Automated Screen Capture
VR Mode and Camera Tours