Fire Marshals Association

of Colorado

Paris Notre Dame Cathedral Fire

  • May 15, 2020
  • 09:30
  • Online via Zoom


Registration is closed

PRESENTATION:  A Review of the Notre Dame Cathedral Fire

The fire in the iconic Notre Dame cathedral in Paris on April 15, 2019 stunned the world! How could this have happened? What we know about the sequence of events, the cause, other factors that contributed to the damage, and what this devastating fire has taught us. 

SPEAKER: Debbie Freeland, FSFPE (Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.)

Debbie Freeland has been a fire protection consultant for over 30 years, more than 20 with Gallagher, the world’s 4th largest insurance broker. She is a long term member and past chair of NFPA’s committee on Protection of Cultural Resources, responsible for NFPA 909 & 914, protection of museums, libraries, places of worship, and historic buildings, and is editor of that section of the NFPA handbook. She has worked with museums, churches, libraries and cultural institutions of all sizes in developing fire protection alternatives and programs to reduce their potential risk, and is at the forefront of developing new standards to address the protection of historic structures while preserving their historic fabric. Debbie has spoken at several American Association of Museums conferences, the Smithsonian National conferences on Cultural Property Protection, and at seminars on protection of collections, museums and historic buildings in Italy, Slovenia, Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland, Austria, and several other European countries.

Business Meeting to follow the presentation

This event will be a combined meeting with the Rocky Mountain Chapter of SFPE

FIRE MARSHAL'S ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO                                                                  To Promote and Support Fire and Life Safety through Education,                    Legislation, and Code Development.

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