Fire Marshals Association

of Colorado

NFPA: Flammable Refrigerants & Energy Storage

  • January 17, 2020
  • 09:00
  • West Metro Fire Rescue Training Center, 3535 S Kipling St, Lakewood, CO 80235
  • 0


  • For those members who have paid in advance for lunch - please use this sign-up to be included in the RSVP catered lunch count.
  • FMAC members, guests, and the public who will be joining the group for the catered lunch.
  • For those persons attending but not planning to join the group for the catered lunch.

At the end of the registration process, you may choose to pay by cash, check, or with a credit card (credit card is preferred).

If paying by cash or check, please bring it with you to the meeting.

Registration is closed

Coffee/Social starts at 9 a.m

Training starts at 9:30 a.m

PRESENTATION:  Flammable Refrigerants & Energy Storage

The refrigerants industry is attempting to move to natural compounds to reduce damage to the atmosphere. Propane, methane, etc., pose their own challenges, i.e., they can be flammable, heavier than air, explosive, toxic (pre- and post-fire, e.g. HF, COF2), potentially cause frostbite, etc. The applicable ICC codes and referenced standards (e.g., UL, NFPA, ASHRAE) will be identified. IMC and IFC refrigerant classification and the corresponding code requirements will be reviewed. As more and larger energy storage systems are being installed, the industry and first responders are beginning to encounter issues with stranded energy when these systems fail. Recent case studies will be reviewed, RE: how the systems reacted when first responders intervened, and how code requirements can help.

SPEAKER: Andrew Klock (Emerging Issues Lead Manager | NFPA)

Business Meeting starts after lunch, but no earlier than 12:30 p.m.

FIRE MARSHAL'S ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO                                                                  To Promote and Support Fire and Life Safety through Education,                    Legislation, and Code Development.

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