Fire Marshals Association

of Colorado

Part 1: Viega Press Systems for Fire Suppression; Part 2: Emergency Responder Radio Coverage Testing Procedures

  • September 15, 2017
  • 09:00
  • North Metro Fire Rescue HQ - 101 Spader Way, Broomfield, CO


  • For those members who have paid in advance for lunch - please use this sign-up to be included in the RSVP catered lunch count.
  • FMAC members, guests, and the public who will be joining the group for the catered lunch.
  • For those persons attending but not planning to join the group for the catered lunch.

At the end of the registration process, you may choose to pay by cash, check, or with a credit card via PayPal (credit card is preferred). If you choose to pay by credit card using our PayPal interface, it is NOT required that you create a PayPal account, simply select the option to pay as a GUEST with a credit card.

If paying by cash or check, please bring it with you to the meeting.

Registration is closed

Coffee/Social starts at 9 a.m

Training starts at 9:30 a.m

PRESENTATION #1:  Viega Press Systems for Fire Suppression

Presentation will cover Viega PEX, Carbon, Copper & Stainless cold press piping systems as they pertain to Fire suppression.  Viega Press Systems do not require soldering, welding, chemical fusion or threading.  The review will include current listings, proper fitting connections, explanation of how our fitting systems work and PEX systems within NFPA 13D.

SPEAKER:  Joel Tarcha (Viega, LLC)

PRESENTATION #2:  Emergency Responder Radio Coverage: Why Are They Needed, How Does it Work 

Presentation will cover ERRC (emergency responder radio coverage) testing procedures, heat maps, why is a system needed, what impacts radio signals in new buildings.

SPEAKER:  Shane Gidcumb and Rodger Jones (Hixxa Communications Inc.)

Business Meeting starts after lunch, but no earlier than 12:30 p.m.

FIRE MARSHAL'S ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO                                                                  To Promote and Support Fire and Life Safety through Education,                    Legislation, and Code Development.

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